
Saturday, January 9

Heading South

After a few good hardy weeks of Wisconsin winter I am taking several weeks to travel through southern Mexico and Gutemala.  Being as I hope to largely take a break from the world of internet and cell phones in order to explore and emerse myself into my new surroundings I will not be posting for several weeks. 
When I return I will be making an attempt to land my feet on the ground Asheville, NC, a place my partner and I have chosen to call home.  Upon my return I will continue my exploration into the world of apples.  If anyone has any travel suggestions or places not to miss in the Yucatan, Chiapas or Guatemala don't hesitate to send me a line.  Cheers!


  1. When back in Virginia, make sure to visit my friends the Sheltons at Vintage Virginia Apples in North Garden. They grow heirloom apples and also opened a major cidery this year. You may also want to visit Horne Creek Farm; this is about 20 miles north of Winston-Salem. C. Lee Calhoun has helped establish an Old Southern Apple collection there that is worth the visit.

    Don't be surprised if you run into an apple tree or two in Mexico or Guatemala; us tropic apple nuts are spreading the word.

    Kevin Hauser

  2. Have a great trip, Chris! I have been enjoying your blog, please keep writing.
