
Monday, May 10

Apple-Cheddar Strudel

In honor of my new job, I thought I would dig an apple recipe out of the original 1977 (hand written) Moosewood Cookbook I have sitting on my bookshelf.  The recipe does not go so far as to recommend varieties of apples to use, but I would venture to guess that apples that pair well with cheese, such as Haralson, would do well in this recipe.  In general I would go with apples that are not too sweet, but have good flavor.  An assortment of varieties would probably be ideal.  


Filling:                                                          The rest: 
            6 medium cooking apples                              1/4 lb. (1 stick) butter
            1 cup grated cheddar cheese [sharp]           10 strudel leaves
            1/2 cup honey                                                   1/2 cup wheat germ
            1 tsp. cinnamon
            dash of salt
            1/2 cup chopped walnuts
            rind and juice from 1 lemon
            1 cup bread crumbs (fine)
     optional: a handful of raisins

Combine all ingredients, except butter, strudel leaves and wheat germ.  Heat oven to 375.  Lay a leaf of strudel dough before you (use a clean wooden or formica surface), stretching out lengthwise away from you.  Butter it liberally and gently, using a pastry brush.  Sprinkle lightly with wheat germ.  Add another strudel leaf and repeat the buttering and sprinkling and layering until all six leaves lie assembled before you in a neat pile.
With the strudel leaves in front of you pile the filling at the bottom of the sheets and roll away from you, tucking in the sides. (optional: brush the folded sides with butter before you roll)
Carefully lift the roll (use spatulas to help you, if necessary) and place it on a buttered tray.  Brush the top with butter and make several diagonal slashes, cutting (with serrated knife) through the top layer of dough to the filling.  If desired, you can sprinkle extra wheat germ on top of the rolls.  Bake 30-35 minutes - until golden and crisp.  Cut it warm or cold, using a serrated knife and a gentle sawing motion.  Serve warm or cold with ice cream or whipped cream.

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